This presentation was made to the Sierra County Board of Supervisors at their second meeting in March of 2007 in Loyalton. It was our 3rd appearance before the Board and was a direct response to the uncivil comments made by the Chairman and the Director of Transportation and Planning to the citizens who had come before them to plead for fiscal responsibility. At the outset of the meeting, the Chairman stated that he intended to tender his resignation if the Board of Supervisors did not vote themselves a raise. He did not get much of a response from his fellow Supervisors. An abridged version of this letter appeared in the Sierra Booster.
Mr. Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors,
Well, here we are in what we hope is our final appearance before you to provide an update on citizen activity regarding the pending proposal from the Sierra County Department heads for a salary and benefits increase.
I continue to represent concerned citizens of
That being said, we would like to make several observations.
First. At the last Board of Supervisors meeting, Chairman Huebner stated that “This meeting today and next week, it’s ridiculous. The only objection we have hear is from Loyalton. Is there any one from Goodyear’s Bar or Allegheny? No. It’s disgusting. I’m disgusted with the process in
Second. We have as yet, not received any interest in this story from any of the outlets we have contacted. We anticipated this, considering the size of our county. However, we have not lost heart that as this develops and unfolds, we will get some interest. Especially since we anticipate having the same issues arise as the Supervisors discuss the potential for approving their own raises. Consequently, we will continue to pursue this avenue as a way to raise awareness and bring some needed attention to the plight of our county and its citizens.
Third. Chairman Huebner stated that he was personally appalled by the presentations made by our citizens group. He used the words disgusted, ridiculous, threatened, cheap shot, repeatedly in characterizing the citizen effort to have an open debate. He was joined in this “disgust” by the Director of Planning and Transportation who characterized the debate as “spiteful, …a campaign to discredit the employees, …personal attacks,…and the distribution of material that is less than factual.” As was stated eloquently by Mr. Tom Dotta, Sierra County resident, all of these behaviors served only to be an attempt to discourage the citizens from what is their right – to participate in a discussion about how taxpayers’ dollars are being spent. We have been nothing but forthright about our concerns and particularly open and above board in what our intent and process was. We did that in good faith, hoping to achieve a discussion. So much for the “Opportunity for the public to provide input” as stated by
Fourth. Contrary to what was asserted by Chairman Huebner and the Director, this is not and never has been a campaign to discredit the work of the Dept. Heads. It remains only about the future solvency of the county. Unlike Chairman Huebner and the Director, we have not disparaged people by names or innuendos. All of the rhetoric in the local paper and provided by the County Auditor, notwithstanding, the facts are that the County Dept. heads’ salaries are out of line with their peers in other counties in the state, regardless of how many duties are ascribed to their job descriptions or the numbers of years of service. Certain statements were made to the effect that they could easily be compensated at outrageously higher salaries in the private sector. That, we maintain, is the tradeoff. You live and work in
Fifth. In answer to Chairman Huebner’s assertions that his preference for this process would be that citizens would go through their respective Supervisors and trust them to make the right decisions, I quote Thomas Jefferson. “The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent… or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen.” He goes on to state “that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” In this case, consider us armed with a stern resolve and a willingness to discourse. Several comments made by the Supervisors, including Chairman Huebner, have indicated that there have been decisions made in the past about salaries and benefits that bear some scrutiny. Consider us your impetus for that.
Sixth. And on a lighter note. The Director of Planning and Transportation indicated to the tune of 6 times that he is not ashamed of his salary. In the words of the immortal bard, adjusted of course to context, “We think the gentleman doth protest too much.” We are not proposing that his salary or any department heads’ be taken away. As to his assertion that he “works his butt of for it”; it would be unseemly for us to discuss his physical attributes. (and I promise not to put that in the paper.)
Seriously, gentlemen, hear us. We are not speaking from spite, threats, disgust, or the venom that has, wrongly, been attributed to us. We are speaking from concern for a county that is being pushed to its limits. Despite Supervisor Nunes’ staetment that “
Thank you.
Leroy and Marie Silver, Sierra
Jack and Betty Thatcher, Sierra
Bert and Marilyn Whittaker, Sierra
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